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Yes! Please visit our homepage at to subscribe to our newsletter and receive information on newly announced shows, special deals and other wonderful stuff.
Coat check is usually open during all ages shows through the soda bar. It is $2 to check a coat and $1 for each additional item (purse, bags, etc).
Show times vary — please check our calendar at for specific show times.
Will call and guest list tickets will generally be available one hour before show time, for example 7PM for an 8PM show.
No outside food or drink is allowed into the Funhouse or El Corazon.
Our recording policy is determined by the artist each evening. Please call or ask our staff before entering with your recording equipment.
Our policy is to not list shows on our website until the shows are officially ON SALE.
Will call is available at the box office once doors open prior to the show time itself.
Unless otherwise noted on the artists’ page all shows at the Funhouse and El Corazon are general admission (aka festival seating). Tickets will have rows and seat numbers printed on them *but* general admission events will have printed on the ticket (near the top) GEN ADMISSION.
Please note cancelled shows do sometimes happen (and sometimes at the very last minute). It is difficult to pass the word on about a show cancellation, but when these situations arise — we post them on our website (and Twitter/Facebook). So it is good a good idea to keep an eye open on these outlets, just in case. Refunds for cancelled events are available at point of purchase.